Monday, March 3, 2008
Dear family of Mr. Gassett, It was with a saddened heart to learn of John's passing. I had actually googled him because my daughter was studying the "Dust Bowl" days. I told her I know this wonderful, sweet man that wrote a darling of a book and maybe he could come speak to her class. You see, I did the cover for his book and had the privilege of spending some time with him, albeit brief, during his publishing days. I know it brought him great joy and happiness to have written "Little John", and isn't realizing some dreams what it's all about? I have a few copies that I got as samples, and I am going to donate one in his name to our school, Regent Preparatory School of Oklahoma. We take our history very seriously, and Mr. Gassett would've have blessed the children with his witness to those days, but his stories will now live on. May God bless you and give you peace. Sincerely, Erica Andrews and family